Showing posts with label Comparison of Prices in Bitcoins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comparison of Prices in Bitcoins. Show all posts

Price Variations in Etherum Coins

How do Price Variations in Ethereum Coins Affect Trade in Industry?

A few days ago, I received a message regarding the release of my new album in Australia on November 23rd 2021. While this might sound like great news for me, it also raises concerns about what exactly will happen to an artist who has been doing so much work as part of his career for so long and is still working tirelessly to make that next step toward becoming a more commercial success. Sadly, my hope to be able to continue to keep creating music even after my new record comes out has proved to be unfounded but I’m sure that when you can’t make it up that ladder, your voice will carry.

The reality of today is that we are living through an unprecedented time and as such, I have no illusions about the future. But I know one thing for sure: whatever happens between now and then, my music will find its way and it may just be the beginning of something special. And after all, there is only one life and I think that being the songwriter who knows the truth is what makes me one of those unique little things.

There are two main reasons why I want to be at least partly responsible for helping some other artists achieve their goals. One is because I love playing every instrument in the world (including bass). It is an invaluable skill, especially for someone like myself who loves different genres but still very much wants to sing some tunes that I love.

Second is, having a sense of humor is key. Not knowing how to use a microphone has made me take a lot of pride in the fact that I am not taking myself too seriously. That has led to the rise of many people with very similar stories of hardships along the path to stardom. Being able to look past these obstacles is what makes me unique and I must make others see that they can too. In order to do so, it is necessary to share my story.

So here I go again: I’m hoping to give you not just the facts of my background but also my hopes and dreams. Be it the chance to live out your wildest dream or the chance to accomplish it. We need to help each other in order to move forward. When I write songs that tell our shared story, I don’t try so hard to replicate anyone else’s work. Instead, what makes me unique is that I aim to help others find ways to express themselves with everything I hear me sing. This is why finding others within your genre doesn’t mean giving them money, fame or clout; it means finding out how they got there. Whether it is by sharing the same struggles or finding inspiration from others, being vulnerable enough to listen, understand and support their journey is what will help you become something special, one of many voices you have to add to your own.

So how does a person do this? By learning to be vocal, dance, acting, singing and writing. At first, I tried making friends only to realize that none wanted anything to do with me. After a while, I realized that I had no reason to care anymore or to let anybody care because I did. My identity was merely based on being one half of the band which meant that I had absolutely nothing to share, but I needed to find something else to get myself out of this mess.

Luckily, I discovered YouTube in the early 2000s, discovering there were thousands of shows and videos devoted entirely to singing and dancing. Then came “It’s All About You” with Whitney Houston. For years, I watched her videos. They gave me insight as to what made her successful, and it became clear that if she could sing, I could too. That was the kick-started point I needed to begin searching for my place. I watched her show, “The Part Show” after she left it and learned countless tips and tricks that I would eventually incorporate into my art. It wasn’t until 2014 that I really began to discover where the power lies within me. Through watching the various video tutorials on YouTube, I gained more knowledge of my craft and started exploring how to improve my performance. Because I knew that every element of my makeup made it easier for me to perform, I spent more hours researching and trying out new looks on my face.

As time went by, it became apparent that the secret was that all I needed to go off was the voice and the choreography. And, once I recognized that not everyone’s got my voice or choreography, I realized that maybe I’d need to change. There were many people who had found success in performing before me, but I had been told that the hardest part was always finding the right song to play without hurting my vocals. That is something that had never happened to me because of my unwillingness to learn new chords, or even try new songs like my peers and mine.

However, that voice was telling me something about who I am. To find the secret of someone so seemingly perfect isn’t easy to find. The harder it gets, the more you realize that you belong somewhere else. Maybe that’s it, maybe you have to start over if you truly believe you belong in another world. What I didn’t realize then that day in 2014 was that being unique is a gift that can grant us the opportunity to grow to reach greater heights than those around us. Even now, it is still there waiting to shine. Take some time away and allow yourself to connect with the energy inside all of you. Allow yourself to see the light. Your gifts are worthy to share - not to hold onto only by holding onto others.

If you ever feel doubt about the belief that you can do magic, allow yourself to give a little bit of yourself to others just as you would your own soul. Remember that only you will truly know who you are. Only you can determine what lies beneath the surface - and whether it is worth fighting for or settling with. The possibilities are limitless.














